Semrush can provide the following data about any website:
Keyword rankings
Keyword analytics
Website traffic
Website visitor engagement
Online advertising: creatives, positions & keywords
Global databases
Desktop and mobile traffic data
Search engine volatility by industry
Brand mentions for Public Relations
Social media engagement and traffic
Semrush is built for all facets of digital marketing (SEO, Content Marketing, Advertising, Social Media) and Competitive Research.
Using these tools, you are able to analyze the competition, audit websites, track a custom set of keywords, build links to improve SEO, manage a team’s content and social media calendars, create reports, and so much more.
Semrush Database Size
As of Fall 2023, the Semrush database contained over:
142 geographic databases
25,3 billion keywords
808 million domains
500TB of raw website traffic data for 190 countries and regions
43 trillion backlinks
1 billion Google Ads
Up to date statistics on the size of the Semrush database can be found here.
Which Search Engines Can be Analyzed in Semrush?
Most of our tools work only with Google search engine. For search engine rankings and keyword analytics, we use third-party data providers to collect Google’s actual search results pages for the 543 million most popular keywords. We study both organic search results, as well as paid search results to give you a complete picture of any website’s visibility on Google.
In the Position tracking tool, you can track your keywords positions on Google, Baidu, and Bing (top 50 results on SERP), but other search engines aren’t available. As of now, tracking results on Baidu is available on the national level only. You will find the setup manual here.
The Traffic Analytics tool (Traffic Journey Report), which is a part of the .Trends solution, allows you to estimate how much traffic a website receives from different search engines such as Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, etc, depending on the filters you apply (Date, Location, Devices).